therapy for women in midlife and menopause in pleasant hill, ca or online.

Going through The Change: Menopause, peri-menopause, and aging with grace

My mother never discussed menopause, so I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know if my body was normal, if my mood swings were hormonal, or why I needed to re-evaluate every relationship and every choice in my life.

Fortunately, I had a great therapist. She helped me embrace the wisdom of menopause, harness the "fire," and let it burn away all the early training that made me put everyone else's needs before my own.

I finally said, “no,” to everyone and everything that wasn’t working for me. I let go of all my “good girl” training. It was terrifying.

And it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Out of this personal experience, I started helping other women in their forties, fifties, and beyond. In menopause, it's invaluable to have a "wise woman" to help you navigate the upheaval of menopause and midlife. If you were raised in the seventies and eighties, you might also need the guidance of someone who can help with internalized sexism. Menopause is the time we redefine what it means to have value as a woman as we are no longer objectified and sexualized, as we transition out of motherhood and, maybe, belong to ourselves for the first time.

Schedule a free consultation

I love helping women gentle themselves through the change with humor and tenderness, emerging from this "trial by fire" with more strength, self-awareness, and self-acceptance than ever before. Schedule a free 1/2 session to learn more.

Menopause Resources

The Vagenda - Online Magazine
Dr. Lauren Streicher, OBGYN - Podcast

"All life moves in cycles. What has been must often come apart before what is to be can come together. Remember to honor your courage in the coming apart times." - Robyn Posin, Ph.D.