Counseling for loss, transitions, grief, and change in Pleasant Hill, CA

Life Transitions: When loss or change is overwhelming

"I could not handle losing my relationship and moving at the same time. You helped me go slower and be more gentle through that first, hard year. Thank you for helping me trust myself again."

Whether it’s losing a loved one, breaking up, moving, changing jobs, having a child, or empty nesting, transitions are always hard. We need to figure out who we are in a new context; what is true in our core that stays with us, no matter what role we play.

There's always grief, even when change is for the better. Our culture isn't good at grief. So you might need a safe place to be sad, angry, relieved or confused - a place where you won't be told to suck it up.

I have learned through personal experience that the key to coping with change is to be constant and consistently kind to ourselves. We need our own permission to go more slowly - especially when change is happening too fast. We need time to adjust, time to get used to new roles and relationships.

I love helping my clients deepen into self-care, self-compassion and self-love during times of change. This is when you discover what is essential about yourself. This is the opportunity within crisis - to be someone you can trust and rely on, to know you will be tender and compassionate, even/especially in the moments you just need to fall apart.

It would be a joy and an honor to mentor you in giving yourself the TLC we all need when life throws curves.

"You don't have to like what's happening for you now. But, to grow, heal, and flourish, you need your own permission to exactly where, who, and how you are in this moment." - Robyn Posin, Ph.D.